Rev. Paul Pettefer our point leader, is a former banker now business and ministry entrepreneur, owner of local Laundromat (LaundryWorld.com) and serving as the catalyst & lead volunteer at local non-profit The City Should Be Different (thecityshouldbedifferent.com).
Rev. Braylon Harris leads a recruitment and mentoring program at McNeese State University, is an entrepreneur and community leader, and is the Senior Pastor of the Mount Olive Baptist Church.
Dr. Bruce Baker is the leader of the Carey Baptist Association, representing 65 Baptist churches in Calcasieu Parish. In addition to being a pastor, Dr. Baker has experience as project manager at an industrial construction company and as owner of an IT company.
Rev. Leonard Brown is a detective with the Calcasieu Parish Sheriff’s Department, entrepreneur in the security industry, and the Youth Minister at Mount Olive Baptist Church. His conviction that the young men in our city NEED the dignity & positive path of a job has lead him to be the point man of Phase 2 at Mt. Olive, Spring 2016.
All of these men Love Jesus. That’s why we want to see the city different.